Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acoustic having to do with sound or hearing.
bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often followed by "about").
canter a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop.
destruction the act of ruining completely or destroying.
digital showing information by a row of numerical digits rather than by numbers on a dial.
election the process of choosing a person for office by voting.
gloss a shine on a surface.
guideline a rule that tells people how to do something in the way that is considered best.
hermit a person who lives alone and away from others. Often a person becomes a hermit in order to lead a religious life.
migrant moving from place to place.
remind to cause (someone) to recall something.
ridiculous silly; foolish; laughable.
squirm to twist the body about; wriggle.
thoughtful having or showing careful thought.
tidings (sometimes used with a singular verb) news or information.