Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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affirm to state or declare as true.
aspect a part or element.
balm a soothing, healing ointment, often fragrant.
breadth the distance measured from one side to the other side of something; width.
conceptual of or pertaining to ideas or their formation.
condense to make smaller or less in volume; make more closely packed together; concentrate.
devotion strong affection or loyalty.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
lust a strong desire for something (usually followed by "for").
obligate to make someone do something because of a law or moral principle.
possibility something that might happen.
sage a very wise person.
sniper a soldier who shoots at enemy troops from a concealed position.
teeter to walk, stand, or act in an unsteady, wavering manner.
unoriginal not new or inventive; derived or copied from something else.