Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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branch a woody part of a tree or bush that grows out from the trunk.
cheap having a low price.
fighter a boxer.
file1 a place for keeping documents or other objects safe and in order. A file can be something that holds papers or a space on a computer.
goal a result or end that a person wants and works for; aim or purpose.
mess a state of being dirty or not neat.
paint a liquid that is used on surfaces to give color or protect the surface.
person a human being.
roam to move or travel around without a plan; wander.
snip to cut or clip with short, quick strokes of scissors.
telephone to call or speak to someone using an electronic device that sends and receives sound over long distances.
twig a small branch of a tree or other plant.
wave the water that rises from the surface of a body of water.
winner one that wins or is likely to win or succeed.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.