Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arch a curved structure made out of stone or brick and used to span an open space such as a door.
astonish to fill with great surprise or amazement.
comparison the act of deciding, saying, or showing how two or more things are the same or different.
customer a person who buys products or services.
department a separate part of a large organization, such as a government, school, or business.
directly without space or action in between.
estimate a careful guess as to the amount, size, or value of something.
grocery a store where food and other household supplies are sold; grocery store.
guarantee a promise, especially in writing, that something one has bought will work properly. If it does not, the seller or maker must either repair or replace it.
impressive having a lasting effect on the mind or feelings; making a strong impression.
italicize to print in italic type.
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play.
primary main; chief.
rind a thick, firm outer layer or covering. Oranges, lemons, melons, and some cheeses have rinds.
swift moving or able to move very rapidly.