Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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caucus a private meeting of leaders of a political party to choose candidates or determine policy, or such a group itself.
caustic bitingly critical.
cavil to make petty criticisms or objections; carp (usually followed by "at" or "about").
chaste not having committed fornication or adultery.
derivation the source of a thing; origin.
disputatious inclined to quarrel or provoke argument.
grassroots originating with or operating among the common people.
gratuitous given or done without sufficient reason or justification; unwarranted.
irreverent not having or showing respect.
misconception an error in understanding; wrong notion or idea.
perverse stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, especially a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
singular extraordinary or exceptional.
tremulous trembling or wavering, or inclined to tremble or waver.
volatile rapidly changeable, especially tending to become violent.