Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attend to be present at.
broadcast to send over television or radio.
clash to strike together with force, making a loud noise.
drizzle to rain in light drops.
expense money needed to buy or do something; cost.
holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout.
identification something that proves who a person is, such as a driver's license or passport.
identity all of those things by which a person or thing is known or is considered as being.
meaningful full of significance; having an important message.
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the expected date.
scroll a roll of paper or parchment, used to write or draw on.
structural of or pertaining to construction, to things that are constructed, or to the basic parts that are assembled.
suspect one who is believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong.
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter in taste.
whoop a loud, high-pitched shout or cry.