Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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caste the status conferred by the class to which one belongs.
contumacious stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious.
derision mockery or ridicule.
discomfit to upset or confuse.
doggerel trivial, crudely constructed verse.
effluvium an outflow of usually invisible, foul-smelling vapor or gas.
heinous extremely wicked or despicable; atrocious.
humanism a doctrine or mode of thought that gives highest importance to human dignity, values, potentials, and achievements.
impinge to encroach.
macrocosm a large unit or entity that represents on a large scale one of its smaller components.
maverick a person who thinks and behaves independently, especially one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs.
preferment the act of promoting or being promoted to a higher position or office.
purvey to supply or provide (especially food, drink, or other provisions).
raffish carelessly unconventional or disreputable, sometimes appealingly so.
refulgent shining brilliantly; radiant.