Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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allow to say that someone may do something; let; permit.
camp to set up a temporary shelter, such as a tent.
fat having too much weight.
grade to rate for correctness or quality, usually by giving a letter or score.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
ocean a part of the large body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface.
outfit a set of clothes.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
pinch an amount that can be picked up between the thumb and a finger.
rescue to make someone safe again; bring out of a dangerous situation.
television a piece of electronic equipment that receives sound and moving images that are sent from a long distance. Many people can watch the same programs on television at the same time.
topic a subject of discussion, conversation, or writing.
wilderness a region in its natural state where there are things like trees and wild animals, but no people living there.
worker someone who does a job or has a job.
wrinkle a fold on a surface, such as cloth or skin.