Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
alien someone who lives in a country who is not a citizen of that country.
amendment an official change made to a bill, law, or other document.
ballast heavy material placed in a boat or ship to make it more stable.
chronology the order of events in time.
converge to move toward or meet at a common point.
cue1 anything done or said during a play that is a signal for an actor to say or do something.
litigation the act of engaging in a lawsuit.
measly (informal) ridiculously inadequate or unsatisfactory; paltry.
mimic to copy or imitate.
placement the act of putting into position or the state of being put into position; location.
quote to repeat a passage or information from.
salvage the act of saving property from destruction.
synonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word of the same language.
utmost of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; greatest.