Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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adventure a trip or activity that is dangerous or exciting.
company a business firm or organization.
during all through a certain period of time.
grade to rate for correctness or quality, usually by giving a letter or score.
highway a large, important public road.
messenger a person who carries and delivers messages and packages.
oven a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
runway a smooth, level strip on which airplanes take off and land.
school a place for teaching and learning.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
steer to make something move in a certain direction.
sweat to give off a liquid through the skin.
swing to move or cause to move backward and forward around a point.
thunder the loud noise you sometimes hear during a violent rain storm.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.