Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accost to confront and speak first to, often aggressively.
allude to mention (usually followed by "to").
climatic of or pertaining to the weather conditions most prevailing in a place.
cogent convincing, or compelling by virtue of a strong argument or clear presentation.
collusion action undertaken in secret partnership or collaboration, usually for illicit purposes.
disinterest lack of bias or self-interest; impartiality.
fragility the condition of being delicate and easily broken.
ingrate an ungrateful person.
macabre of, pertaining to, depicting, or evoking death or the horrors of death; gruesome; ghastly.
palpitate of the heart, to pulsate rapidly; flutter; quiver.
parity equality in amount, status, strength, or the like.
provocation the act of inciting or challenging another to react.
reprieve to release (someone) temporarily or permanently from planned or impending punishment, pain, or difficulty.
ribald characterized by or using rude, coarse, or vulgar language or humor.
vacillate to hesitate or waver in giving an opinion or making a decision; be indecisive.