Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bead a small, round object made of material such as glass, wood, or plastic. A bead has a small hole through its center so it can be put on a string to make necklaces or to decorate clothing.
carve to form or write by cutting.
cupboard a piece of furniture with shelves to store food, dishes, or other things.
hike to take a long walk in a natural place, such as a woods or forest, for fun or exercise.
icicle a long, thin piece of ice that hangs from something.
icy covered with ice.
miserable very unhappy; wretched.
oven a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
pearl a smooth, hard, round object that is formed inside the shell of some sea animals.
pill a small piece of medicine that is taken by mouth.
pole a long, round post or stick made of metal, wood, or some other material.
printer a machine that makes printed copies from a computer.
speak to say words in a usual voice; talk.
stack a neat pile with one thing on top of another.
twice two times; in two instances.