Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adoption the act of becoming the legal parent of a child who is not one's biological offspring.
counselor a person who gives advice, especially as a job.
essential necessary, needed.
everlasting going on forever; never ending.
excellence the condition of being very good or outstanding.
humble not proud; modest.
interest the desire to learn, know, or take part in something.
lifeline an anchored line or rope thrown to support a person in danger of drowning or falling.
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play.
orbit the curved path in which a planet, satellite, or spacecraft moves in a circle around another body.
sneer a look on the face that expresses scorn or lack of respect.
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another.
sympathy kind understanding and concern for others when they are sad, suffering, or having trouble.
testimony a statement made under oath before a judge in a court of law.
treat to behave toward in a particular way.