Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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apex the highest point; tip.
arrogance the condition or quality of being arrogant; having too much pride or belief in one's superiority.
concoct to make by putting together a number of parts or ingredients.
denunciation the act of verbally condemning or attacking.
designate to choose for a particular job or purpose.
dint force or impact.
embalm to treat (a corpse) with preservatives before burial.
graphic of or related to pictures or writing such as photography, painting, and printing.
intimacy the condition of being close in friendship or otherwise intimate.
iterate to say or do again or repeatedly.
monochromatic having or using only a single color or shades of one color.
revelry noisy merrymaking.
shroud to screen or conceal.
surrogate acting as, or considered to be, a substitute or replacement.
trajectory the actual or expected path of a moving object, especially the curve followed by a projectile, missile, or spacecraft in flight.