Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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although in spite of the fact that; even though.
appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing.
beware to be careful or wary (often used imperatively).
brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim.
cling to stick closely.
comparison the act of deciding, saying, or showing how two or more things are the same or different.
jest a funny saying or action; joke.
maroon2 to leave on an island or coast, far from other people; abandon.
parallel lying or moving in the same direction and being the same distance apart at every point. Parallel lines never meet or cross each other.
receipt the act or fact of receiving.
rectangle a flat, closed figure with four straight sides, four right angles, and opposite sides parallel to each other.
satellite a heavenly body that moves around a planet or another larger body.
unable not having the power, skill, or means needed to do something; not able.
wed to take as husband or wife in a legal ceremony; marry.
wield to handle and use (a weapon, tool, or the like), especially with power or control.