Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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caprice a sudden, impulsive change of mind or direction, or an unpredictable action.
catechism a summary of the principles of a religion, especially Christianity, in the form of questions and answers.
demur to object or indicate opposition to something.
insidious dangerous through cunning, subtlety, and underhandedness.
mimicry an act, instance, or the art of imitating or copying the speech, behavior, or expressions of others.
odoriferous having or spreading a scent, especially a pleasant or fragrant one.
overture an opening move to begin something.
podium a raised platform, as for a speaker or orchestra conductor; dais.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
prodigious inspiring wonder and admiration; marvelous.
recluse a person who lives in voluntary isolation from others.
reparation the act or process of making amends for wrongdoing or injury.
stymie throw an obstacle in the way of (something or someone); impede; thwart.
ungainly lacking gracefulness or ease of movement; clumsy; awkward.
venial able to be excused, pardoned, or forgiven, as a minor error, offense, or sin. (Cf. mortal.)