Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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culvert a man-made channel for drainage or the like that passes under a street or other thoroughfare.
evocative tending or able to call forth images, memories, feelings, and the like.
hedonistic adhering to or characterized by the principle that pleasure should be the primary aim in life.
incur to become liable for or bring upon oneself (usually some unwanted or harmful consequence).
irony a manner of using language so that it conveys a different or opposite meaning to that which is literally expressed in the words themselves. Irony is used in ordinary conversation and also as a literary technique, especially to express criticism or to produce humor or pathos.
migratory changing habitat or location periodically, as in response to changes in climate or job opportunities.
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing.
patriarch a man who is the leader of a family or tribe.
perspicacity keenness of mental perception or grasp; astuteness.
premonition an advance sign or warning; forewarning.
regent one who governs in place of a disabled or underage ruler.
short-term covering, lasting, or completed in a short period.
soliloquy an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone.
tangential barely connected to or touching a subject.
vacillate to hesitate or waver in giving an opinion or making a decision; be indecisive.