Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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control to use power to manage or command.
deputy a person appointed to assist and sometimes act in the place of someone else.
dreary gloomy, sad, or dull.
elastic able to stretch easily without breaking and then return to original form.
flare to begin to burn brightly (often followed by "up").
groggy confused, dizzy, or feeling unable to wake up.
keg a small barrel holding less than ten gallons.
manure the waste matter of animals, such as cows and horses, used to fertilize the soil and help plants grow.
organization the quality of being carefully arranged or ordered.
pattern an arrangement of shapes, lines, letters, numbers, or colors that can be repeated or used again and again.
recover to get back.
starter someone or something that starts.
swift moving or able to move very rapidly.
text the body of a printed work as distinguished from its title, headings, notes, and the like.
viewer one who watches, especially a person who watches television.