Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, especially by additions from the outside.
appellation a name, title, or other designation.
appurtenance (plural) equipment or instruments used for a given purpose; gear.
centripetal forced or moving inward toward a center point or axis.
contumacious stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious.
cyst a small pouch within body tissue that is filled with fluid or air. Some cysts are connected with serious disease, but most are not harmful at all.
fixation an obsession, especially one that interferes with normal functioning.
ingenuous having or showing simplicity and lack of sophistication; artless.
insouciant having no cares or anxieties; light-hearted; carefree.
lanugo fine, soft hair, especially that with which a human fetus or newborn is covered.
munificent having or showing great generosity.
nonpareil a person or thing whose excellence is unequaled; paragon.
parlance manner of speaking or writing, especially word choice; vernacular.
reconnoiter to go through or over (an area) so as to gain information about it, as for military or engineering purposes.
welter to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open sea.