Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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defective having a flaw or defect; not perfect.
diet the food and drink usually eaten and drunk by a person or animal.
explode to burst because of too much pressure inside.
extinguish to put out; stop the burning of.
garlic a strong smelling plant related to the onion. Its bulbs are used for seasoning.
grammar the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language. Some of these rules have to be learned. Other rules are already in the head of a native speaker. For example, a native English speaker would not say, "I a cat bitten by was," because the grammar does not make sense. When one learns a new language, most of the rules of its grammar have to be learned.
monopolize to get or keep sole control of; have for oneself alone; take over.
pattern an arrangement of shapes, lines, letters, numbers, or colors that can be repeated or used again and again.
prosper to be successful or have good luck; thrive.
repair to put in good condition again after damage has been done; fix.
rival a person whom one tries to be better than; competitor.
runt a dog, pig, or other animal that is the smallest of a litter.
stash to hide or store secretly (sometimes followed by "away").
surgery an operation done by a surgeon.
whereas while in contrast.