Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adverse not helpful to one's wishes or interests.
apprehend to catch and place under arrest.
disrupt to disturb or cause confusion in.
ecology the scientific study of the relationships between living things and their environments.
enhance to improve or add to the quality, value, or attractiveness of.
invaluable having value too great to guess or measure; priceless.
long-term covering an extended period of time.
maximize to increase or enlarge as much as possible.
mock to make fun of in a mean way.
negative not helpful or constructive; critical; pessimistic.
offset to make up for or balance.
presently in a little while; very soon.
rivalry the act, relation, or condition of one who competes with another or of those who compete with each for dominance.
shrine a sacred place or object that is devoted to some holy person or god.
variation the act or process of changing, or the condition of being changeable.