Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
bias an opinion or liking that does not let one be fair; prejudice.
charter an official document given by a government or ruler to a business or other group. The charter explains the group's rights and responsibilities.
classify to put or order into groups of similar things.
compulsory required or necessary.
discipline training of the body or mind to bring about good performance and good behavior.
fluster to cause to become nervous, confused, or upset.
functional serving a purpose or able to serve the intended purpose.
guilt the fact of having done something wrong or having broken a law.
impress to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact.
inflammatory tending to arouse and excite the emotions, or call forth an emotional response.
invaluable having value too great to guess or measure; priceless.
rebuke to give a sharp reprimand to; criticize.
so-called improperly or incorrectly called.
swarm to come together or move as a large group or mass.