Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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carnivorous eating the flesh of animals.
colony a place where a group of people come to settle which is under the control of their home country.
crochet to form by looping thread in a pattern of connected stitches.
crutch a support used to help injured people walk. A crutch is a pole with a padded top that rests under the arm.
dense having parts very close together with little space between.
instructor one who teaches or instructs; a teacher.
partnership a relationship based on a shared activity or goal.
pharmacy a place in a store or hospital in which drugs are prepared and sold; drugstore.
plod to move in a slow, tired, or heavy way.
rental something that can be rented.
residence a house or any other place where one lives; home.
ridicule talk or actions that make unkind fun of someone or something.
sift to spread or sprinkle using a sieve or as though using a sieve.
spur a metal piece with a spike that is attached to the heel of a rider's boot. Spurs are used to make a horse go forward.
squirt to be shot out in a thin jet; spurt.