Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alcohol a clear liquid that burns easily and can be made from certain grains and fruits. Alcohol is present in such drinks as beer, wine, and whiskey. It is also used in making medicines and chemicals.
altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
commonly ordinarily; usually.
conservation the act of keeping and protecting from waste, loss, or destruction.
crate a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material.
embroider to make or decorate with needlework.
hollow having an empty space on the inside; not solid within.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure.
mutiny to openly disobey or fight the leaders in charge or a lawful authority.
pleasure a feeling of happiness, delight, or joy.
sentence to declare the punishment for a person's crime.
slant to be at a leaning or tilting angle.
stash to hide or store secretly (sometimes followed by "away").
tilt to move or place so that one side is higher than the other; tip.
torture the intentional causing of great physical or emotional pain to a person or animal.