Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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backyard an open area behind a house that belongs to the owner of the house.
barely almost not at all.
beautiful very nice to see, hear, or feel.
border the outer part; edge.
careful paying close attention to what one is doing; cautious.
circle a line that curves so that one end meets the other. The line is made up of points that are all the same distance from the center.
cousin the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle.
hurry to move or act with speed.
okay all right; satisfactory, acceptable.
planner a person who designs or has ideas for things that will exist or happen in the future.
police a department of a town, city, or state government that protects people and their property and makes people obey laws.
rattle to make a series of hard, short, knocking sounds.
switch to change; shift.
trace a very small amount of something.
wheelchair a chair on wheels that is used by people who cannot walk from place to place.