Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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author a person who writes books, stories, plays, or other works.
cartoon a picture or set of pictures that make people laugh or think. Cartoons often have words that show what a character is thinking or saying.
cool a little cold; not warm.
cradle a small bed for a baby that can move from side to side.
dirt loose earth or soil.
enormous very large in size or amount; huge.
lonely unhappy because alone; lonesome.
orchard a piece of land planted with fruit or nut trees.
pile a number of things on top of each other, or a mass of material that forms a small hill.
praise to speak well of.
purse a bag used for carrying money and other personal things. A purse is often made of leather, cloth, or a similar material.
race1 a sport or test of speed.
self one's own being, character, and nature.
shoot to hit with a bullet or other thing that flies from a weapon.
stool a seat on tall legs and without arms or a back.