Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aberrant straying from what is normal or usual; atypical; anomalous.
allusion an indirect reference to or mention of something.
aperture a narrow opening.
burlesque a book, play, skit, or the like that mocks something by comically treating it with inappropriate seriousness or levity.
climactic pertaining to, reaching, or being the point of highest interest or intensity in a series of increasingly important points or events.
douse1 to place or plunge in water or another liquid; immerse.
manifold abundant and varied.
misdeed an unacceptable, evil, or illegal act.
noteworthy deserving attention; remarkable.
obnoxious offensive or not pleasant.
paltry small, trifling, or worthless.
preemptive of or relating to a strike or attack such as a bid in bridge or a military attack, made in anticipation of or to prevent an opposing strike.
solicit to try to obtain (business, recruits, donations, help, or the like) by persuasion, formal request, or pleading.
unrelenting continuing with the same intensity, force, speed, or the like; not decreasing or weakening.
vituperate to condemn sharply; blame; berate.