Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annals a chronological record of events, usually year by year.
crossfire a volley of projectiles, especially gunfire, directed at some central point from two separated positions.
deleterious harmful or injurious, as to health.
expurgate to remove from a book or the like material considered to be offensive or erroneous prior to publication.
fiscal pertaining to public or governmental finances.
hegemony predominance of one country or social group over others by virtue of leadership or influence.
incur to become liable for or bring upon oneself (usually some unwanted or harmful consequence).
intimacy the condition of being close in friendship or otherwise intimate.
macabre of, pertaining to, depicting, or evoking death or the horrors of death; gruesome; ghastly.
obituary a printed announcement of a person's death, usually including a brief biography and information about funeral arrangements.
orator a person who delivers a public speech, or one skilled at formal public speaking.
paraphrase a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify.
pretext a false reason or claim put forward to mask one's true motive or aim.
repartee a quick, clever reply; witty retort.
volition the act of willing, deciding, or choosing.