Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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criminal a person who is guilty of a crime.
extra more than is expected or usual.
flute an instrument for playing music. It is a long tube made of metal or wood that you play by blowing into a hole at one end.
helpful doing useful things for a person or group; giving aid.
inspector one who inspects, usually as a job for pay.
knee the joint between the upper and lower part of the leg.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
lesson a period of instruction with a teacher, or a specific group of things to be learned or studied together.
mow to cut down with a blade or machine.
peace a time when there is no war or fighting.
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living beings if it is swallowed, breathed, or taken in.
stock things that you keep that are ready for use or for sale at any time; supply.
tail a part of an animal's body that sticks out from the back end.
tree a plant that has a long main trunk and many branches. Trees usually grow quite tall.
trip the act of traveling from one place to another.