Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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apathy lack of interest or feeling.
constraint a state of confinement or restraint.
ductile able to withstand stress without breaking, as in drawing out into wire or pounding thin.
evenhanded fair and impartial in the treatment of others; equitable.
fulsome offensive, especially because of excessiveness or insincerity.
hone to make more effective or adept; perfect.
imprecise not exact, accurate, or well-defined; vague.
inexhaustible unable to be used up; endless.
marquee a canopy or a covering like a roof over the entrance to a building. The marquee over a theater shows the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of the actors.
mimicry an act, instance, or the art of imitating or copying the speech, behavior, or expressions of others.
onus an unwanted but necessary task; burden.
raiment clothing; dress; apparel.
seclude to keep apart from other people or activity.
striate to mark with stripes or furrows.
vie to compete with another for victory, superiority, or the like (usually followed by "for").