Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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assail to attack with vigor or violence; assault.
deracinate to pull up by or as if by the roots; uproot; isolate; exile.
devolve of a duty or the like, to be passed on to someone else.
discountenance to embarrass or disconcert.
extenuate to reduce the magnitude or seriousness of (a fault or offense) by offering partial excuses.
extralegal not regulated or permitted by law; outside of legal authority.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
foible a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.
lattice a flat framework made with strips of wood or other material. The strips cross each other and have open spaces in between. A lattice is often used as a screen on a porch or in a garden.
luminary a famous, important, or inspirational person.
misfeasance a normally lawful act performed in an unlawful way.
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder.
perilous causing or involving great danger; risky; hazardous.
regicide the murderer of a king.
shibboleth a slogan, phrase, or belief that characterizes or is held devotedly by a group.