Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bride a woman who is about to be married or was just married.
capable having the skill or power to do what is needed.
combine to bring or join together into a whole.
cube a solid figure with six square faces all the same size.
dash to move swiftly; run rapidly; rush.
density the state or condition of having parts very close together with little space between.
describe to tell or write about; create a picture of in words.
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams.
plug an object made of cork, rubber, or other material used to block an opening.
scurry to move quickly or in a hurried way.
thoughtful having or showing careful thought.
tickle to touch or poke so as to cause a tingling feeling or laughter.
treat to behave toward in a particular way.
trophy something given to recognize a win or other accomplishment; award.
understand to get the meaning, nature, or importance of.