Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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brush a tool for cleaning, painting, and other things. It has a handle and a tight group of stiff fibers on one end.
center the area or part of something that forms the middle.
cut to divide or break open with a sharp tool such as a knife, saw, or scissors.
daylight the light of the day.
dead no longer alive.
deed an act or action.
driver a person who drives, or a person whose job is to drive.
emergency a sudden dangerous situation that requires immediate action or help.
foggy full of or covered by fog.
heap many things lying on top of each other; pile.
lonely unhappy because alone; lonesome.
offer to present something to be accepted or refused.
plan an action one intends to take; aim.
silk a fine, soft, shiny fiber produced by certain insects.
singer a person who uses his or her voice to create music either as a job or hobby.