Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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courtesy good, polite manners.
crew a group of people who work together.
crib a bed with high sides all around for a baby or young child to sleep in.
crust any hard or crisp outer layer.
fable a short tale that teaches a lesson. The characters in fables are often animals who speak and act like people.
flute an instrument for playing music. It is a long tube made of metal or wood that you play by blowing into a hole at one end.
lack the condition of being without something that is needed.
lemon a small, sour fruit with yellow skin. Lemons grow on trees.
map a picture of an area of the earth or sky drawn or printed on a flat surface.
market a place where people buy and sell things.
middle halfway between two things, places, or points.
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides. It is much higher than a hill.
self one's own being, character, and nature.
sky the air or space above the earth.
thin small when measured from one side to the other or when measured around the outside; not thick.