Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affair an event, matter, or happening.
avoid to keep away from.
ballot a piece of paper on which people who are voting enter their choices.
condition a state of being or existence.
donate to give in order to help a charity or other group.
estimated resulting from a careful guess rather than exact counting or calculation.
gadget a small tool or device with a clever design or unusual use.
mutant a life form whose genes are different from those of its parents. A mutant has new traits or characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring.
officer a person holding a position of trust and responsibility in a business, organization, or government agency.
poker1 a pointed metal rod for stirring up a fire.
scrap1 a small bit, such as a piece left over or thrown away.
survey the collecting of information on a particular subject from a small portion of the public.
suspense a state of excitement or anxiety that comes from mystery or doubt.
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.
wander to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan; roam.