Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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advice an idea or opinion that someone gives to help you decide.
clear used to describe the sky when there are no clouds or when there is little pollution or dust.
companion one who spends time with another or others.
enough as much or as many as needed or required.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
gang a group of people who do things together. These things may be just for fun or may involve crime.
gap a space or opening between two things.
grip to grasp or hold firmly.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair.
round shaped like a ball or circle.
smile to have an expression on the face in which the corners of the mouth turn up.
soak to make completely wet; drench.
soon in a short time.
splinter a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece.
strap a thin, flat strip of material used to attach something or hold objects in a certain way.