Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accurately correctly or precisely; without making any mistakes.
allocate to assign or set aside (money or other resources) for some specific use.
amiss in the wrong way.
aspect a part or element.
clammy unpleasantly moist, cool, and sticky.
conviction the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime.
dissatisfy to fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.
entice to lure or tempt, as by calling attention to the possible benefits of an action.
foremost first or most important; leading.
inconsistent not following a regular pattern; variable.
management the act of controlling and directing.
questionnaire a form that asks for one's opinions about something or for small pieces of information about oneself or one's household.
renew to make like new; restore.
slay to kill deliberately and violently.
spectacular of or having to do with a spectacle; splendid; marvelous.