Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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beforehand ahead of time; at an earlier time.
bilingual able to speak two languages well.
cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
collide to strike or bump into one another with force.
complex difficult to understand.
customize to make or change according to the specifications of the customer.
deliberate said or done on purpose.
entrepreneur someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses.
equate to make or consider to be equal or equivalent.
furnish to supply with furniture.
prosecute to begin or carry on a court action against in order to enforce the law.
radiate to come out in the form of rays or waves.
strut to walk in a proud or vain manner.
supposedly according to what is believed or said to be true but has not been proven.
traction the grip or holding power of a body moving on a surface.