Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something over time.
ail to trouble or cause pain to.
disc any thin, flat, round object, or one that appears flat and round.
dismay alarm, confusion, or mental distress.
doodle to draw or scribble without purpose.
faint weak or slight.
homesick longing for one's home.
humble not proud; modest.
relatively in comparison to something else.
romantic causing or showing thoughts and feelings of love.
session a meeting or set of meetings of a court or a government council.
surpass to be greater or larger than; go beyond.
temple1 a building or place where a god or gods are worshiped.
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.
wee very small or tiny.