Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support.
blind not able to see; having no sight.
deck the floor on a ship or boat. Sometimes a ship has several decks at different levels.
designer a person who makes or draws plans for creating something, especially physical objects or structures.
exhibit a collection of things that are shown or on display for many people to look at.
fumble to search or feel about for something in a nervous or clumsy way.
jab to poke with a pointed object.
mammoth a very large extinct mammal closely related to elephants. Mammoths were much bigger than elephants, and had shaggy black fur and long tusks that curved upward. Several kinds of mammoths lived in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the last Ice Age.
preparation the act of getting something ready.
prickly full of small, sharp points.
prophecy a prediction or warning of future events.
souvenir something kept as a reminder of a place, event, or friendship; memento.
technology a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry, or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas.
tinge to give a slight color to.
workshop a room or building in which a particular kind of work is done, usually involving manual or mechanical skills.