Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of.
accountability the state or quality of being responsible for providing an explanation or justification.
amiable having or showing a friendly manner.
discordant in conflict or disagreement.
elixir a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water used as a vehicle for medicines.
impeccable flawless or blameless; perfect.
offhand done without thinking or preparing ahead of time.
ornamentation decoration; embellishment.
potent having strength; powerful.
rebate a part of a payment that is returned.
rigorous showing strictness or sternness.
servitude bondage or slavery.
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross.
usurp to take and hold (a right, position, office, or the like) illegally, wrongfully, or by force.
veracity conformance to fact; accuracy; truth.