Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acumen superior insight; quickness and shrewdness of judgment, especially in practical matters.
arbitration the consideration and decision of an issue or dispute by someone who has the official authority to decide such matters.
cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, especially rainwater.
compulsive driven by an obsession or compulsion.
diffuse in the physical sciences, to flow toward regions of lower concentration.
disconcert to upset the calm or self-assurance of; ruffle.
effervescence high spirits; excitement; liveliness.
inclusive comprising or covering a great deal; comprehensive.
mellifluous flowing and sweet, as though with honey.
modulate to vary the loudness, pitch, intensity, or tone of; especially soften or tone down.
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning.
perforate to make a hole in.
ravish to overwhelm with emotion or sensation; enrapture.
subterfuge a stratagem or artifice used to hide, avoid, or deceive.
zealot a person who is excessively and often intolerantly enthusiastic, especially about a cause or religious faith; fanatic.