Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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butter a solid yellow fat made from milk.
cry to have tears fall from your eyes as the result of pain, sadness, or another strong feeling.
exercise activity that improves the health of the body or mind.
frighten to cause fear in someone; to make someone afraid.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
further comparative of far; at or to a greater distance.
gifted having a special talent or ability.
hamburger ground meat, or a round flat mass of ground meat that is cooked and served on bread.
liberty freedom from being confined or controlled.
pail a container with steep sides and a handle; bucket.
pill a small piece of medicine that is taken by mouth.
radio a piece of equipment that receives signals that travel through the air and changes them into sound.
rocket a device shaped like a tube that moves at high speed and is powered by gases that are forced out of one end. Rockets are used to send things into the air.
squeeze to press firmly together.
trust to believe that someone is good, honest, or able to be depended on.