Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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boon something that is a help or benefit.
charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.
disclose to make known; tell.
eradicate to do away with completely; wipe out.
indirect not in a straight line, course, or route.
intensive highly concentrated in a small space or interval of time.
meditation sustained thought or self-forgetful concentration, especially for the purposes of religious devotion or relaxation.
negate to render ineffective or invalid; nullify.
parish a district of a Christian religion that has its own church and priest or minister.
percentage some part of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts.
physiological of or relating to the vital processes or functions of a living organism or its parts.
probability the condition or fact that something might happen.
prompt to cause to act.
toxicity the condition, property, or fact of being poisonous or containing poisonous substances.
utility the quality or condition of being useful; usefulness.