Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ameliorate to make better; improve.
ashen1 of the color of ashes; very pale.
confound to perplex or bewilder; confuse.
corpulent fat; portly; obese.
havoc ruin or devastation.
imbue to inspire or permeate, as with an idea or emotion; deeply influence.
itinerary a detailed plan of travel.
labyrinthine complex and intricate to the point of being puzzling.
portal a doorway or entrance, especially a large and imposing one.
retinue a group of attendants or other employees who accompany a prominent person.
sermonize to preach, or to speak as if doing so.
spendthrift one who is extravagant or wasteful with money; squanderer.
tumult the noise and commotion of a large crowd; uproar.
vignette a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like.
witticism a clever, often perceptive joke, insult, or saying.