Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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actress a woman or girl who plays a part in movies, television, plays, or radio.
chamber a room.
couple two things of the same kind or that go together in some way.
drift the act of being carried away by some force such as the wind or flowing water.
education the act or work of learning or training.
flexibility the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking.
marvelous causing wonder or amazement.
raspy rough and grating; harsh.
satellite a heavenly body that moves around a planet or another larger body.
sharp having a thin edge or a fine point.
soul the part of human beings separate from the physical body that is thought of as the center of feeling, thought, and spirit.
stiff not easy to bend.
terrorize to control by using threats or acts of violence.
tote to carry on one's back or in one's arms or hands.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.