Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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art things that are made by humans and that people think have beauty or deep meaning. Music, films, written works, and paintings are examples of art.
believe to accept as honest or true.
bubble a ball of air or other gas inside another substance.
copy something that looks exactly like another thing.
decent kind and thoughtful.
heart the organ in the body that controls the flow of blood.
orchard a piece of land planted with fruit or nut trees.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
pilot a person who flies an airplane or other aircraft.
poke to push with a thin or sharp object.
present1 the period of time between the past and future.
stranger a person that you do not know.
teacher a person whose job is explaining and showing things to students so that they can learn.
wild living in a natural state.
world the earth and everyone in it.