Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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analyze to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain.
application a way of being used.
bureau a chest of drawers.
char1 to cook or burn so that the surface is blackened; scorch.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
disposable meant to be thrown out after use.
famine a great lack of food over a wide area.
guidance the act of guiding.
pacify to calm or bring back peace of mind to.
pose a fixed position of the body.
propose to present or suggest as an idea to be considered.
pry1 to be too curious about another person's private life.
scoff to laugh at, mock, or criticize scornfully (often followed by "at").
skulk to hide or wait in hiding; lurk.
transient brief in duration; temporary.