Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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builder a person who puts things together to make something, especially houses or other structures that people live or work in.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction.
hair a single, thin structure like a thread that grows on the body of humans and some animals.
half one of two equal parts of a whole.
honest sincere; saying the truth.
hug the action of holding using both arms.
ladder a structure with steps that you use to climb up to high places. You can move a ladder from one place to another.
lend to let someone use something that is yours. When you lend a thing to someone, you expect that person to return it to you.
printer a machine that makes printed copies from a computer.
rough not smooth.
shower a period of rain that lasts a short time.
switch to change; shift.
terror very great fear.
visit to go or come to see.
watch to look closely or carefully, usually at something that is moving.