Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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balcony a platform with a low wall or railing that extends from the outside of a building.
cage a space closed in by wires or bars and used to hold animals.
finally after everything else; at the final moment.
honest sincere; saying the truth.
honestly in an honest way.
include to have or contain as a part of the whole.
leap to jump into the air either straight up or across a distance.
lump a small mass or pile with no special shape; hunk.
natural of or produced by nature.
paper a thin material often used to write on, to wrap objects, and to make things such as containers.
pin a thin piece of metal with a sharp point and flat or round head. Pins are used to fasten or attach pieces of cloth or similar material.
really in fact; actually.
space the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth.
trip the act of traveling from one place to another.
twig a small branch of a tree or other plant.